What’s inside?

What happened in Marbella goes online with our latest Whitepaper, “PANEL DISCUSSIONS’ DISCLOSURE” Explore the transcription of all the panel discussions and get to know trends, opinions and arguments from leading Industry professionals.

1. Introduction

2. Panel Discussion 1: Latest Development in the Business Messaging Industry

  • Panelists:

    1. Nick Lane – Founder & Chief Insight Analyst at Mobilesquared Ltd

    2. James Williams – Director of Programmes at Mobile Ecosystem Forum

    3. Nassia Skoulikariti – VP at GTC, IoT Specialist

    4. Rafal Nowak – Director Operator Partnerships DACH & CEE at Infobip

    5. Cristina Rotaru – Business Development Manager at Yuboto

    6. Moderator: Andreas Constantinides, Head of MoreThan160 Ltd

3. Panel Discussion 2: Omnichannel Messaging – SMS & the evolution of messaging apps.

  • Panelists

    1. Fabrizio Salanitri – CEO at Horisen

    2. Rafal Nowak – Director Operator Partnerships DACH & CEE at Infobip

    3. Michael Power – Founder of Engage Mobile, CPaaS Consultant

    4. Andrew Ward – VP of Sales at Annecto

    5. Muktesh Narula – Associate Director at Pinnacle

    6. Ankit Aqarwal – CEO at Tel Q Global

    7. Moderator: Andreas Constantinides, Head of MoreThan160 Ltd

4. Panel Discussion 3: Proven Enterprise Requirements for SMS in 2022

  • Panelists

    1. Jason Bryan – CEO Rocco Research

    2. Mila Budylo – CCO at BSG

    3. Aneesh Chawla – CEO at Technovate

    4. Sabina Majeric, Chief Commercial Officer at HORISEN

    5. James Williams – Director of Programmes at Mobile Ecosystem Forum

    6. Moderator: Andreas Constantinides, Head of MoreThan160 Ltd

5. Panel Discussion 4: Women in Telcos: The Challenges and the Opportunities

  • Panelists:

    1. Cristina Rotaru – Business Development Manager at Yuboto

    2. Mila Budylo – CCO at BSG

    3. Florence Sebastien – Founder at FSE Consultant

    4. Milica Gruden – Commercial Director International Sales A2P Messaging at Identidad

    5. Sabina Majeric, Chief Commercial Officer at HORISEN

    6. Scarlett Woodford – Principal Analyst, Juniper Research

    7. Moderator: Nassia Skoulikariti – GTC

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